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Plentywood Cemetery District Board of Trustees

Woody Michels -

Shelby Flakne -

Kristen O'Toole -




Lot Purchases and Care

General care of the entire grounds and lots is assumed by the Cemetery District.  Individual lots will be sold for $125.00 with $50 of the receipts of all lot sales being by law set aside and placed in trust, and the interest thereof devoted to their perpetual care.  An additional $8.00 per lot is required to record the deed at the Clerk & Recorder’s Office.



  1. The grounds of the Plentywood Cemetery and the Plentywood Memorial Cemetery are sacredly devoted to the internment of the human dead and a strict observance of the decorum that should characterize such a place will be required.  All lots are held as burial places for the human dead and for no other purpose.

  2. The Board of Trustees shall have the right to enter in or upon any lot and make such improvements as they deem fit for the best advantage of the grounds.  Lot owners shall not change the grade of lots or interfere in any way with the general plan of improvement directed by the Board.

  3. The Superintendents of the cemeteries are directly responsible to the Board of Trustees in all matters concerned with the care, upkeep, and general maintenance of the cemetery.

  4. The Superintendents are authorized to refuse admission into the grounds of all improper persons and to expel those who may violate any of the rules of the cemetery.

  5. In the Plentywood Memorial Cemetery, the general maintenance and care of lots are performed only by the management of the cemetery as directed by the board.  In the Plentywood Cemetery, construction, installation, and maintenance of structures, planting, and maintenance of vegetation are specifically permitted.  General maintenance and mowing of roads and pathways is the responsibility of the cemetery management.  Cemetery management may, at the board’s discretion, mow, trim and generally maintain individual lots when it is convenient to do so.  That is, when private structures do not interfere with doing so.  The Plentywood Cemetery will not be irrigated by cemetery management.  Individuals may use the cemetery water system for private irrigation.

  6. Hours of admission to the cemetery shall be from sunrise to sunset.

  7. No riding on horseback, on bicycles, motorbikes or motor scooters will be permitted off the roads in the cemeteries, except in conjunction with interment rites or other approved ceremonies.

  8. Persons accompanied by dogs running at large will not be admitted.

  9. All vehicles must be driven at a speed not exceeding 15 miles per hour.

  10. All waste brought into the cemeteries must be removed or thrown away when leaving the cemeteries.

  11. All persons are prohibited from touching any object not their own, plucking any flowers, shrubs or plants, wild or cultivated, or injuring anything upon any parts of the grounds.

  12. No trees, shrubs, or plants, within the border of any lot or lots, shall be planted, removed or destroyed.  The Board of Trustees shall have the right at any time to enter upon any lot and cut down or remove any such tree, shrub, or plant as they deem detrimental to the grounds, unsightly or inconvenient to the public or to the adjacent lots or driveways.  Planting of Lilac, Karaganda, or similarly invasive shrubbery is prohibited.  Any such existing plantings may be removed at the discretion of the board.

  13. Flowers, plants, and other decorations that have become deteriorated will be removed.  After the first frost, all flower boxes will be removed.  Potted flowers and flower boxes must be placed within the confines of the grave marker and base.

  14. The use of glass jars or glass vases for displaying flowers is prohibited due to breakage.

  15. Any artificial decorations that are to be kept for future use must be removed by March 1st.  No artificial decorations will be permitted between March 1st and November 1st, except during Memorial week.

  16. No advertisements or signs of any form will be permitted within the cemeteries.

  17. All workmen in any capacity within the confines of the cemeteries are subject to the direction and control of the Board of Trustees.


Grave Markers - Plentywood Memorial Cemetery (New Cemetery)

  1. No slab, coping, curbing, hedging, fencing, or enclosure of any nature will be permitted in the grave row, nor will any iron ornaments be permitted.

  2. No more than one grave marker will be permitted on any grave.

  3. Lot owners shall have the right to place any proper granite, marble, or other stone markers, with the exception that the use of sandstone, soapstone, artificial stone or any other metal than standard bronze, will not be permitted.  The use of granite aggregate, compressed stone or artificial materials will not be permitted.

  4. All grave markers shall be flush with the surface sod, with a maximum allowable projection of 1 inch from the contour of the surface.  Markers shall have a 5-inch flush apron and be placed on a foundation that shall be a minimum of 8 inches in depth.

  5. All marker installations shall be made with the marker placed at the west edge of the surveyed marker space, centered between the north and south edges of the grave/s being marked.

  6. A marker intended to mark a single lot shall be a maximum size of 24 x 36 inches.

  7. A marker intended to mark a maximum of two adjacent lots shall be a maximum size of  24 x 48 inches.


Grave Markers - Plentywood Cemetery (Old Cemetery) 

  1. Lot owners shall have the right to place monuments or grave markers on lots.  However, the use of sandstone, soapstone, granite aggregate, compressed or artificial stone or any other metal other than standard bronze, will not be permitted.  Installation of “grave covers”, “ledgers”, or similar devices of concrete, metal, stone or synthetic materials is no longer allowed.  Existing structures, at the discretion of the board, may be removed when they deteriorate, tip, crack or otherwise become unsightly or hazardous to cemetery visitors or staff.  When removed, the area affected by the removed grave cover will be restored to an easily maintained condition.

  2. All monument and grave markers must be set on a concrete base sufficient to support the weight of the monument or marker and must be placed on undisturbed earth to prevent settling or shifting of the base.  No base shall be less than 8 inches in depth.

  3. Installation of curbing and fencing, while not specifically prohibited, is discouraged as such structures impede convenient maintenance.



  1. No interment shall be made without the knowledge and permission of the board.  Location, marking, or “staking” and opening and closing of graves shall be under the supervision of the Board of Trustees.

  2. The Board of Trustees shall keep a register of all burials and make out burial permits.  The name of the person interred shall also be entered on the proper lot on a map of the cemetery kept for this purpose.

  3. In the Plentywood Memorial Cemetery, all burials shall be made in casket containers constructed of materials other than wood.

  4. In the Plentywood Cemetery, all burials must be made with the outermost burial container of permanent material.

  5. In either cemetery, the interment of cremated remains must be made in a container of permanent material.  Metal, solid wood, rigid plastic, ceramic, and other such materials are suggested.

  6. No scattering of cremated remains on the surface of either cemetery is permitted.

  7. Only two remains are permitted on each lot.



  1. The Board of Trustees shall receive applications for the purchase of cemetery lots. And shall, without fee or charge, deliver to the applicant a copy of the application stating the section, block and lot number the applicant will be entitled to upon payment of the designated value of the lot.  The deed to the said lot shall be delivered within 60 days from the date of the transaction.  No lots reserved without full payment of same.  The purchaser’s name shall be entered on the proper lot on a map of the cemetery kept for this purpose. 

  2. Once the lot is purchased, it belongs to the purchaser and/or their family.  If they wish to sell the lot, they may.  A deed from the lot owner must be recorded in the Clerk & Recorder’s Office.

  3. The Board of Trustees shall keep a register of lot sales

  4. Improvements on the grounds shall be under the supervision of the Board of Trustees.

  5. Cemetery district employees are directly responsible to the Board of Trustees in all matters concerned with the administration, management, care, upkeep, and general maintenance of the cemeteries.

  6. The Cemetery Board of Trustees reserves the right to interpret all rules and regulations governing the cemeteries in the best interest of the public and to establish additional regulations if deemed necessary in the public interest.

Sheridan County Montana | 100 W. Laurel Ave., Plentywood, MT 59254 | (406) 765-3400

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